Friday, March 11, 2011

French Impressionist Cinema (1918-1929)

Today's lesson:

Following our brief foray into Classical Hollywood Cinema last week, today we shall focus on a short-lived yet influential film movement from France post World War 1.

Today's goals:
Develop your inquiry-based research skills
Understand how film is influenced by external factors (financial and sociocultural in particular)


Provide answers to the following in some detail. Use a word docuument, save your work and post on your blog this weekend.


1) Find two images for French impressionist paintings.

Give brief caption with name, artist, date. Explain briefly the important characteristics of French Impressionism.

2)Three outside factors that influenced the rise of French Impressionist cinema?
Explain in your own words.

3) Describe three or more important technical aspects of French Impressionist Cinema (ie. use of camera, editing, sets, lighting, narrative, etc.)

 4) Find information on two important film directors in French Impressionist Cinema from 1918-1929 : name, photo, major films, interests or concerns shown in films.

The following websites may help: 

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